HTML Tag CheatSheet

Elle D
2 min readApr 5, 2021

If you are a web developer, software engineer, computer programmer or any other variation, then you are super familiar with HTML and CSS. This article is geared towards the newbie coder AND the seasoned professional. I decided to come up with a handy cheatsheet of the most frequently used HTML tags and store them in one place.

For those of you who are new to coding HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is often referred to as a coding language but in fact it’s not. It’s the language of the web. Coding languages are things like Javascript, Swift, Python, Java, C+, etc. {HTML was created by a man named Tims Burner-Lee . (Click on his name to learn more about him)} And because it’s the language of the web, EVERY website needs to have some HTML in order to be properly displayed. So, here are few basics tags to get any website going!


In order to create a webpage everything starts with these tags. They hold all other tags.

<html> </html>

*Heading Tag

The heading tags contain information about the webpage such as titles, links to css, script tags, meta tags, etc.

<heading> </heading>

*Title Tag

When you open up a website and you see the tab name of that site, it’s because of the title tags.

<title> </title>

*Body Tag

Anything that will need to be visually displayed on the website lives inside of the body tags.

<body> </body>

*Paragraph Tag

<p> </p>

*Button Tag

The button tag will add a button to your webpage but remember, just because you have a button doesn’t mean it will behave like a button!(i.e. having the ability to be clicked on and something takes place) You will need some code for that such a Javascript.


*Divide or Div Tag

<div> </div>

*Span Tag


*Image Tag


*Header Tags







*Break Tag


*Anchor Tag


*Form Tag

<form> </form>

*Input Tag


*Emphasize Tag

<em> </em>

*Strong Tag

<strong> </strong>

*Unordered List Tag


*Ordered List Tag

<ol> </ol>

*List Tag

<li> </li>

